he worked hard to put the plan into effect 意味

  • その計画を実行するため一生懸命に働いた


        put a plan into effect:    計画{けいかく}を実行{じっこう}する[に移す]
        put the new plan into effect:    新しい計画を実行に移す
        to put a plan in effect:    to put a plan in effect 計画を実行に移す けいかくをじっこうにうつす
        carefully worked-out plan:    周到{しゅうとう}な計画{けいかく}
        finely worked-out plan:    ち密な計画
        fully worked-out plan:    工夫を凝らした計画案
        hard put:    《be ~》ひどく困っている、苦境{くきょう}に立っている Lucy will be hard put to afford a trip overseas this year. ルーシーは今年の海外旅行費用の捻出には、ひどく苦労するだろう。
        hard put to:    《be ~》~に困って[窮して?苦労して]いる、~はほとんど不可能である◆put の代わりに pushed もたは pressed が用いられることもある。
        hard put to it:    hard put to it 四苦八苦 しくはっく
        put the hard on:    (人)に頼み事をする、金を貸してくれと言う、(女性)に言い寄る
        person who worked very hard for years to:    ~するために何年間{なんねん かん}も懸命{けんめい}に努力{どりょく}した人
        put in order of priority issues to be worked out:    解決すべき問題{もんだい}を優先度順{ゆうせんど じゅん}に並べる
        press on hard with one's plan:    自分{じぶん}の計画{けいかく}を一生懸命推し進める
        take a hard look at a plan:    計画{けいかく}を見直す{みなおす}
        worked:    {形} : 加工{かこう}された、手の加えられた、刺しゅうの施された


  1. "he worked hard almost to the hour of his death" 意味
  2. "he worked hard at school and was always the first in his class" 意味
  3. "he worked hard during his service with the railroad authorities" 意味
  4. "he worked hard in spite of a partial disability" 意味
  5. "he worked hard through the summer" 意味
  6. "he worked himself (up) into a rage" 意味
  7. "he worked himself into a position of leadership" 意味
  8. "he worked himself to death" 意味
  9. "he worked his fingers to the bone for her" 意味
  10. "he worked hard in spite of a partial disability" 意味
  11. "he worked hard through the summer" 意味
  12. "he worked himself (up) into a rage" 意味
  13. "he worked himself into a position of leadership" 意味

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